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Vulnerability Research – Null pointer dereference in Curl

The heart of the vulnerability lies within the code of the idn module, where the function idn_decode() becomes the focal point of concern. This function, when called, inadvertently passes a null value to the *decoded pointer, which later encounters issues during execution, as evidenced by the Curl_idn_free() function.

The Art of Fuzzing – Smart Contracts

In this article, we explore the fascinating world of smart contract auditing and vulnerability detection through Fuzzing. Smart contracts, self-executing programs operating on blockchain platforms, have revolutionized decentralized applications. To ensure their robustness, auditing becomes a crucial step before deploying smart contracts.

The art of Fuzzing: Introduction.

This fuzzing introduction cover all the essentials one should know about the art of fuzzing. It explain major concept and illustrate it with and hands-on exercise the reader can follow. In conclusion some hints are given on how to hunt for bugs with fuzzing